Friday, 30 June 2017 Videos - Marketing (page 1)

How to Successfully Promote your Business for an International Audienceby: Marie-Claire Ross. It is specifically the use of videos to generate interest by looking into making them as entertaining and informational as possible. The audiences that marketers seek, along using the media and methods for reaching them, have become increasingly segmented.

However, the research does not specifically state that the national reading level average reaches the eighth grade level. These companies will pump out your message 1000s of members who in order to gain credits must click on the ad so there own ad and sight is going to be seen. For instance, take people that make over $250,000 a year. These companies will pump out your message a large number of members wh o in order to gain credits must click on the ad so there own ad and sight is going to be seen. The bottle has little bumps around the lower half to help grip the bottle along with a textured lid to it easier to open the bottle.

For example, you can find a i7 group plan de compensacion fifty year old little bit of music, but if it is being performed with a modern band then that selection just isn't public domain. In this way, the pricing isn't affected an excessive amount of inside a bid to allow for a large quantity of consumers. Except I question myself and wonder if I can still produce the energy, I think its a a few just going red light, "record" and leaning into it, but I have to build motivation and this is a a few hunkering down and saying, well, no more shitty gigs, no more young dickheads, no more hate on the scene, it flies throughout me.

If you're someone who is nice with Microsoft Powerpoint, you mig ht slide show i7 group plan de compensacion videos to market your product/service. I develop a wmv file and employ windows movie maker as my editing software. Later on you will have to organize a budget and hang up dates and places for shootings.

Title - needs being catchy and a description of exactly what the video is about. Small business users should understand that unlike Facebook and Twitter, the core of the LinkedIn community is towards business-to-business marketing and notat the consumer. You can send video blog messages directly to your target market and bypass probably the most vigilant email filters. Take that goal and live and breathe it. Running time: 30 seconds.

Check your DNS Settings. Generally, its advisable to make the video unique and somewhat entertaining - you never want to bore your potential prospects as well as the more entertaining the video, the greater the opportunity of that video going viral. There are chances that you run into someone concentrating on the same offering as yours, but then also being in the community you can share your knowledge, opinions and views. com, and SocialAuthority. He does internet Marketing successfully for your last 6 years and the firm's name is dotcompals.

Sunday, 25 June 2017

Landscape Design Combining Elements

Landscaping the yard is one of the things my husband has expressed very little interest in. He just does not understand why we dump money into making the yard something other than what it already is. With a river behind our home he feels it is our duty to let nature take over and protect itself. Let the land lie as it will is his yard maintenance motto.

I however, do not feel the same way. As he tackled the inside of our home when we moved in I went to work on the outside. The first thing I did was remove the ant infested railroad tie border that was a make shift flower bed and pull everything that was planted out. The people before us had tiny "gardens" all over the yard. It was easy for me to remove them. I knew it needed an updated badly and I was the girl for the job.

The river bank was full of overgrown seedling trees and nastiness. In cle aning the area up by the river bank my main goal was to utilize what existed as much as we could. I wanted to keep the larger scale trees and new tree growth in place. A natural environment is one that will protect the bank area from eroding better than any man made wall plus it look one hundred percent better. In managing the erosion that will naturally take place we began taking boulders that were about the yard and placing them on the edge of the river. In doing this they are molding the ground around them and holding it in place.

The house had a lot of areas of blandness. The garage lacked any sort of bushes or shrubs to balance and hide the brick that formed the foundation. In order to create spaces that are visually interesting and had balance I choose to plant alternating green and purple flowering bushes. They really made the garage blend into the house and not look so separate.

Now that the garage and river banks were taken care of we had to think about the front and back yard landscaping. I was sure I wanted items in the garden that were irregular and not formed in shape. I like a bit of the fantasy, flowing look when it comes to plants and shrubs. I immediately gravitated towards a border that incorporated multi-leveled logs standing vertically. This really ties into the natural element of the river. I then choose some large landscape boulders and place them in various places within the bed to tie in with the river side of the house. Shrubs were planted that were free forming and daisies were added for color and ground cover for filler and the garden was completed.

The back yard was simple in the landscape design I came up with. I took the rock element and carried it into a fire pit arena. It turned out beautifully and allowed us to do away with the three flower beds that basically eliminated any space for the kids to play within the boundaries of the yard. I added several benches made from wood around by the river and fire pit as accents. It is a very cozy landscaped space.

To add some fun and flair to the landscaping I place tiki torches around the deck area in the summer and solar ground lights in the path to the fire pit. It adds a bit of metal into the landscape design bre aking up the green around us. It has grown on my husband as the summer's progress and he has even taken to a bit of landscaping on his own with the installation of a boat ramp that blends naturally into the river. That is truly is only contribution as I still find myself mowing and weeding the yard every weekend as he tends a fire and jumps in the boat for some river time.

Sunday, 18 June 2017

10 Of The World's Most Beautiful Gardens (PHOTOS)

Few spaces are more calming and zen-inducing than a beautiful garden. It's hard not to feel at peace when you're surrounded by flowers, fountains and the sounds of nature, and research has shown that walking through green spaces Sprinkler Installation can put the mind into a state of meditation. A University of Michigan study also found Sprinkler System Installation that subjects had improved memory and focus after walking through an arboretum.

HuffPost Travel sought out 10 of the world's most beautiful gardens, from Arizona to Marrakech, that should be added to every traveler's bucket list. The oases of serenity are the perfect destinations for relaxing travel, renowned for their natural beauty, abundant flora and walking trails. Even if you're not planning a trip to any of these destinations this summer, looking at beautiful pictures of nature has been shown to have greater cognitive benefits than walking through the city. Scroll through the stunning garden photos in the slideshow below for an instant dose of tranquility and stress relief.

Tell us: Are there any gardens you'd add to the list? Share your picks in the comments or tweet @HuffPostTravel.

Saturday, 17 June 2017

Seyfarth Shaw Pro Bono Attorneys and the Victims Rights Law Center Secure MA High Court Victory for Victims Rights

BOSTON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Seyfarth Shaw LLP, one of America's leading full-service law firms, and

the Victims Rights Law Center today announced that attorneys from the

firm working pro bono secured complete dismissal of civil claims against

their clients from the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court. The case, Neil

Benoit v. Amanda Frederickson et al., involved the defense of a rape

victim and her parents from a lawsuit by the alleged rapist.

In July of 2002, Amanda Frederickson (then a minor), with her parents,

reported to the police that she had been raped by a neighbor. The police

investigated and later arrested Benoit. As the criminal case prepared to

go to court, Frederickson decided not to testify due to her fear of

confronting her alleged attacker, and the charges were dismissed. Years

later, in 2005, Neil Benoit filed a civil lawsuit against Amanda and her

parents for a variety of claims, including defamation, malicious

prosecution and false imprisonment.

"This case was a nightmare for Amanda and for her parents," said Krista

Green Pratt, a partner in Seyfarth Shaw's Boston office and lead counsel

on the case. "The man against whom they filed criminal assault charges

years ago, in 2002, came back to attack them via a lawsuit based

entirely on their protected activity. The Anti-SLAPP statute protects

citizens who petition the government, which includes filing a police

report. With this decision, victims of crimes can rest assured that they

can file a police report against their attackers without fear of

retaliation via the courts."

In response to the lawsuit, the Fredericksons turned to the Victims

Rights Law Center, which sought help from a team of Seyfarth Shaw pro

bono attorneys l ed by Krista Green Pratt. Pratt promptly moved to

dismiss the case under the Massachusetts anti-SLAPP statute. Benoit

opposed the motion, accusing Frederickson of lying about the rape and

arguing that she had no reasonable basis for her petitioning activity.

The trial court judge refused to grant the Fredericksons' special motion

to dismiss on the basis that Amanda Frederickson's petitioning activity

may not have been "legitimate" (a requirement not found in the statute

or case law) if there was a chance that she had lied. The Appeals Court

refused to entertain the Fredericksons' appeal, citing the pendency of

counterclaims filed by the Fredericksons.

Arguing that anti-SLAPP movants should not have to choose between their

right to bring compulsory counterclaims--which would otherwise be

waived--and their right to seek interlocutory appeal as guaranteed by the

statute, the Fredericksons took their case to the Supreme Judicial Court

(SJC). Last week, the SJC held that interlocutory appeal is available to

anti-SLAPP movants regardless of whether counterclaims are pending.

Moreover, the SJC agreed that both Amanda and her parents engaged in

protected petitioning activity by reporting the rape to the police. The

SJC found that Amanda's police report had a reasonable basis in fact and


"Many rapes go unreported," said Lydia Watts, Executive Director of

Victims Rights Law Center. "Many victims are young, too many are minors.

At the very least, they need to feel safe in reporting a crime to the

police, if only to stop abuse or assault, even if the perpetrator is

never prosecuted criminally."

This year, the Boston office of Seyfarth Shaw LLP celebrates a decade of

service to clients and the greater Boston community. In 2008 alone, the

Boston office contributed nearly 6,500 hours of pro bono time worth over

$2 million. Seyfarth Shaw encourages all of the firm's lawyers to devote

time to pro bono legal work, and the firm's contributions have been

recognized through the receipt of numerous awards for pro bono service

across the country.

The VRLC is the first law center--and still only one of a few--in the

country solely dedicated to serving victims of sexual assault. As such,

we serve as a national model and trainer, but all of our direct services

remain focused solely here in the Commonwealth. The mission of the VRLC

is to provide legal representation to victims of rape and sexual assault

to help rebuild their lives, and to promote a national movement

committed to seeking justice for every rape and sexual assault victim.

VRLC's three main programs are to: 1) provide free civil legal services

to victims of sexual assault in Massachusetts; 2) partner with

educational institutions, law firms, attorneys, legal services

organizations, rape crisis centers, health care providers and others to

a) alert victims to the availability of our services; b) ensure

widespread knowledge of the civil legal rights of victims and c)

leverage pro bono services for victims; and 3) provide national-level

technical assistance and training to service providers on obtaining

civil legal rights for sexual assault victims.

Seyfarth Shaw has over 775 attorneys located in nine offices throughout

the United States including Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Houston, Los

Angeles, New York, Sacramento, San Francisco, and Washington, D.C., as

well as Brussels, Belgium. Seyfarth Shaw provides a broad range of legal

services in the areas of labor and employment, employee benefits,

litigation and business services. The firm's practice reflects virtually

every industry and segment of the country's business and social fabric.

Clients include over 300 of the Fortune 500 companies, financial

institutions, newspapers and other media, hotels, health care

organizations, airlines and railroads. The firm also represents a number

of federal, state, and local gove rnmental and educational entities. For

more information, please visit

Friday, 16 June 2017

Storage Protection Sprinkler Head Technology (excerpt) - Sprinkler Head, Tyco, Storage - Fire

20th century 70's and 80's warehouse to protect the development

Big drop type fire control sprinkler heads for special applications

The first warehouse specifically developed for the protection of sprinkler head is a large drop sprinkler head, the sprinkler head was developed in the 20th century 70's, K coefficient is 161, its splash plate is designed to produce more large drops enhance the penetration and improve fire fighting performance. System design sprinkler head 15 can only meet the design requirements and safety coefficient is greatly enhanced. As developed this sprinkler head, the experts found that the warehouse for high risk, the measure of performance is the sprinkler sprinkler head nozzle size and caliber of work pressure and role, rather than water density area. Large drop sprinkler head is a Sprinkler System Installation significant advantage of the sprinkler head can be protected without the need for shelf storage shelves within the sprinkler head, sprinkler nozzle for the ordinary this is not possible.

? ESFR sprinkler head 80s in the 20th century, with the FM model developed ESFR sprinkler heads, storage protection has reached a new level. In order to protect high-risk items used to store high-shelf storage, but do not use the shelves within the sprinkler head, while on the shelf to avoid mechanical damage within the sprinkler head, in particular, developed SM technology. With enhanced performance of ESFR sprinkler head, there has been a new and more rigorous use and installation requirements. Although the users and designers know that you can no longer use a shelf within the sprinkler head, but often neglect the more stringent installation requirements, the resulting problems have also plagued the storage industry.

New sprinkler head technology Until the 20th century, the early 90s for most of the sprinkler head storage technology to protect the most important changes are driven by the FM. 50 years in the 20th century they developed a standard sprinkler head, but also a large drop and ESFR sprinkler head of the developer. By policyholders in their efforts to meet the needs of mainly large-scale industrial operation. Then, by the Central Company (now Tyco fire equipment company) led sprinkler head needs of the user industry began its research and development.

Large caliber (ELO) fire control water jet strength / function area of sprinkler heads

ELO sprinkler head start is the central D64-type sprinkler heads. It was designed to use only one K161 sprinkler head, which can be generated under high water pressure in the lower water density, more cost-effective. In order to validate its performance, in the 20th century, the early 90s was an entity fires pilot projects. The basic process of this project is the original pilot project to repeat the warehouse, the only change is replaced by ELO sprinkler head, and at a Sprinkler Installation Denton lower injection pressure have the same density. In these experiments, ELO sprinkler head and the old sprinkler head not only play the same performance, but in addition to one of the tests are clearly better than the performance. In the design of the new warehouse protection, or no real reason to use K115 smaller sprinkler head, NFPA13 required density 14mm/min (0.34gpm/ft2) or higher, or greater use of K11.2 sprinkler head, illustrates this point.

Large-caliber special application type fire control sprinkler heads

Central has developed UltraK17 sprinkler head in order to lower the required pressure to achieve significant and l arge drop sprinkler head performance. FM carried out by entities in the fire test, the sprinkler head to protect the carton piled up on the shelves of plastic materials within the warehouse shelf without the need for sprinkler heads.

Large diameter hanging-type sprinkler head

As demands for higher pressure, the original K202ESFR sprinkler head is often difficult to bring the design, so central in the development of the K363 FM sprinkler head.

Friday, 9 June 2017

Research and Markets: Future of the US Defense Industry - Market Attractiveness, Competitive Landscape and Forecasts to 2019

DUBLIN--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Research and Markets (

has announced the addition of the "Future

of the US Defense Industry - Market Attractiveness, Competitive

Landscape and Forecasts to 2019" report to their offering.

The Future of the US Defense Industry - Market Attractiveness,

Competitive Landscape and Forecasts to 2018 offers the reader an insight

into the market opportunities and entry strategies adopted by foreign

original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) to gain market share in the US

defense industry.

The 2011 Budget Control Act (BCA) has set a cap on total national

defense budget funding, starting with US$546 billion in 2013, to be

reduced by US$54.3 billion each subsequent year. BCA required Sprinkler System the US

Department of Defense (DoD) to take US$487 billion of reductions in its

expenditure over the period of 10 years.

What is the current market landscape and what is changing?

The US has a defense budget of US$607.5 billion (including allocation

for OCO) in 2014 and the government is expected to sustain a high level

of expenditure over the forecast period. Although the allocation for

overseas operations is estimated to remain stable at US$37.3 billion

over the forecast period, the country is expected to increase its base

military expenditure at a CAGR of 1.75%.

The expenditure will be triggered by the government's plan to acquire

advanced defense equipment coupled with replacement of old and obsolete

arms and ammunitions.

The looming threat of budget cuts and sequestration is not expected to

terminate or affect the existing contracts, but will impact DoD's future

contracts and the number of military hardware to be procured under these

contracts. Significant opportunities are expected to exist in the fields

of C4ISR, aircraft, cyber security, missile defense systems and

submarines. Foreign defense companies and new entrants have the option

to cater to the US defense market via joint development programs,

strategic alliances, or acquisition of domestic players. The US

government's encouragement of foreign direct investment (FDI) in the

defense sector will also help foreign companies in entering the market.

Key Topics Covered:

1 Introduction

2 Executive Summary

3 Market Attractiveness and Emerging Opportunities

4 Defense Procurement Market Dynamics

5 Industry Dynamics

6 Market Entry Strategy

7 Competitive Landscape and Strategic Insights

8 Business Environment and Country Risk

9 Appendix

Companies Mentioned


General Dynamics

Honeywell International

L-3 Communications

Lockheed Martin

Northrop Grumman


Science Application International

Sikorsky Aircraft

For more information visit